Longhorn Asset Management LLC is a consumer debt acquisition company, purchasing distressed debt from large financial institutions. The Company maintains decades of experience as a direct purchaser of distressed receivables originated by banks, credit unions, and other credit grantors, as well as managing the recovery of charged off debt portfolios for our Clients.
About Us
Mission Statement
Working with passive debt buyers, Longhorn Asset Management LLC (LAM) manages the outsourcing and management of your debt portfolio. With our experienced team of experts, we utilize all revenue streams within the portfolio to ensure a monthly revenue stream with the potential to achieve an above normal ROI. We have developed four revenue streams that expands the profitability of your portfolio.
Ownership & Management
Longhorn Asset Management is a Wyoming LLC created for passive debt purchasers in mind. Our management Team has more than 35 years of combined experience and has been working in the debt collection business since the mid-1990's. This expertise, combined with strong decision making, has made our company an astounding success and has directly benefited our business clients.
Business Overview
We are experienced managers of distressed consumer debt. We retain a percent of the net profits until your initial debt purchase price has recovered. Once the cost of the portfolio is recovered then we split the remaining revenue stream until we sell the portfolio.
Contact Information
Longhorn Asset Management LLC
12700 Hillcrest Rd., Suite 125
Dallas, TX 75230
Phone: (888) 547-3644
Email: caitlin @longhorndrm.com
Web: www.longhorndrm.com